Ways to view Bill Tracker and get notified

  1. iOS and iPad

  2. Receive Push Notifications

  3. Apple Widgets, see instructions below*

What does a Bill Tracker Setup look like?

Usage FAQs

  1. Cost
    Bill tracker is free to track three bills. + three bills, it's $9.99

  2. My wife and I want to use Bill Tracker to track our expenses. How would this work for us?
    You can have one view to track your household expenses, so you need to use ONE account with one login. Both users would need to have a paid version on their phone.

  3. Is there automation with third parties, like my subscription services, Netflix, and Amazon Prime?
    Currently, there is not. You can set up the subscription service once and add it to your monthly expenses. This way your account logins are more secure and you don't have to go through the hassle of logging into each account just for one fixed amount recurring bill.

  4. Automation - for my credit card totals, I want to view that automatically since it varies. Do you support that?
    Currently, we do not. Most of our users want to be able to categorize each expense not just at the bill level. And credit cards can be used to pay for many purchases so you won't get a custom view of your spending.

    Note the credit card budget reports are categorized by how the company decides. With Bill Tracker you can categorize expenses in the way that makes the most sense for you.

Adding Bill Tracker Pro Widget

1) Tap and hold on your screen, until your app icons are shaking
2) Click on the + sign on the top of your phone
3) A widget page will be displayed > Search for Bill Tracker
4) Swipe through your widget options and click "+ Add Widget." Now you should see the widget on your screen.
5) You can set a date range for what "due dates" you want to see, by holding down on the widget until you see an edit option.

Chat with us

Report issues, share feedback and/or product feature requests with me. We look forward to hearing from you!